

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济宁 任城区 仙营街道 仙营社区 金宇装饰城B馆2楼
  • 姓名: 刘经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


凯撒琳灯饰 Rokinii罗奇尼 灯饰 家居 家具


凯撒琳灯饰 Rokinii罗奇尼 灯饰 家居 家具
瑞典品牌Furninova Group为专业生产沙发及家俱的公司,集团有专业设计师团队,为提供客户多元化的设计风格,也与丹麦及瑞典新锐设计师合作,品牌系列分支为FURNINOVA 、S.O.U.L Collection、CONFORM 、WOODPOINT Collection等不同风格设计的产品,以满足不同客户需求。每年从波兰出口订制款沙发、单椅及家俱至**约250,000客户手上,集团忠旨是希望提供**消费者,兼具设计风格以及合理价格的高品质欧洲进口沙发、家俱。

罗奇尼遵循Furninova Group集团忠旨,取得中国台湾地区的品牌代理权,提供客户合理价格的高品质欧洲原厂进口沙发、家俱及服务,让你在中国台湾也可以感受到欧洲原厂沙发的舒适度、**皮革触感、环保优质布料及经典设计,为你的住宅空间增添许多搭配的可能。

Furninova is a company in constant development. Our goal is to always provide our resellers and end-users that little extra and unexpected that makes our upholstered furniture the best place in the home.

It has become a lifestyle and the most interesting thing about furninture is that it attracts so many different people. Everyone has some kind of interest in furniture. 
– from Benny Nilsson(CEO Furninova)

We work with the full concept of interior design, including furniture, rugs, lamps and decorations. We finish entire rooms in different styles with the aspiration to inspire our customers.
– from Sara Nilsson(CEO S.O.U.L Collection)

We develop, design and manufacture armchairs, crafted by hand, for timeless contemporary settings in homes and public places. An armchair from Conform is not only comfortable, it combines function and beauty for a long-term commitment – Design for Life.
– from Marcus Larsson (CEO CONFORM)

Woodpoint stands for good design, reasonable prices and strong quality. It might sound like a bit of a cliché, but that doesn’t make it less true.
– from Ulf Johansson(CEO Woodpoint Collection)

济宁米兰名灯,一店 米兰名灯,二店 琪朗灯饰,三店 凯撒琳生活馆,共3家店铺,1200余平米,目前鲁西南醉大规模高端灯饰专卖店,品类醉全,整合了五大国际*品牌入驻,包括奥斯哥纳**性欧式水晶灯,凯撒琳欧美式吊灯、风扇灯,新特丽呢喃现代简约吸顶灯、吊灯,较美现代照明灯饰,琪朗现代艺术灯,狮盾开关插座电气批发,今上射灯筒灯,想天照明光效设计等。专业追求卓越,专注光的品质!**济宁一种生活的态度,醉贴心,(贴心,只为省心),终身免费售后!
//济宁高端灯饰**品牌//灯光设计*//济宁凯撒琳 济宁罗奇尼 济宁米兰名灯